Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Create intelligent workflows that utilize AI, data and analytics, and turn AI aspirations into tangible business outcomes.

Artificial Intelligence Services

Artificial intelligence services can help you drive smart evolution of your workflows, technology and entire organization. Our industry experts help you implement a data-first strategy, augment with third-party sources, and operationalize and accelerate AI integration across your enterprise to generate positive business growth.

AI Consulting

AI services can help you drive smarter reinvention of your workflows and technology. Augment human capabilities and performance to improve outcomes for your customers, employees and other stakeholders.

Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES)

Our AI Software solutions that ensure quality and efficiency are built into the manufacturing process and are proactively and systematically enforced. Manufacturing Execution Systems connect multiple plants, sites and vendors’ live production information, and integrate easily with equipment, controllers and enterprise business applications.

Programmatic Media Buying

Our Proven algorithms help you target customized ads which are highly relevant to a specific audience, resulting in precise matching of ad relevance. As a programmatic advertising agency we have vast experience in dealing with various platforms involved in programmatic display marketing.

Conversational AI services

Improve customer and employee experiences while lowering operating costs with AI and Cognitive Care. Rapidly deploy AI assistants and leverage real-time data to engage with customers virtually and handle increases in contact volumes.

AI at Scale

Our methodologies can help you consistently run, maintain and scale AI and machine learning solutions from pilot to production. Adopt a standard framework for developing and deploying AI applications and drive positive ROI for enterprise AI.

AI for risk and compliance

Customised AI services helps clients harness the power of AI to stay current on ever-changing regulations. Advisory Services provide end-to-end risk and compliance management to enable better decisions and regulatory governance.

Content intelligence

Transform complex document digitization with AI and ML to unlock value from unstructured data. Speed transaction times, reduce cost and increase accuracy across industry-specific, regulatory, customer and supply chain processes.

Trustworthy & responsible AI

AI ethical considerations have never been more important; however, parameters around AI remain vague and intangible. We have the global experience and solutions to help organizations test and regulate AI.


Improve customer and employee experiences

99% of respondents report an increase in customer satisfaction as a result of using virtual agent technology. Utilizing conversational AI can help meet customers on their terms and address their requests while reducing effort.

Scale and operationalize trustworthy AI

Nearly one third of executives plan to boost their investment in AI as a result of the pandemic. IBM’s proven methodologies can help you consistently run, maintain and scale AI solutions from pilot to production.